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Update to iOS & Android apps

Today we’ve released an update to our iOS and Android apps. This version includes improvements based on the feedback we’ve received from you, our lovely and helpful users. The response to our previous release was truly amazing. It’s so awesome to get a glimpse of how people use our product and how much it means to those who use it on a daily basis. We had no idea the app meant so much to so many! 

Here’s a list of the things we’ve improved this time:
  • If you want more information on your screen - you can now customize how you want to see your posts. 

Summary-mode shows you a short excerpt plus an image if there is one available. 

Title-mode shows only the title so that you easily can browse through a large number of posts. In Title-mode you can swipe to mark posts as read. It’s a great way to fly through your posts and achieve inbox zero.

  • The app now works a lot better if your device has larger font sizes. 
  • Opening feed links in your browser now takes you to the Add-page for that feed.
  • We fixed Google sign-in on Android. 
  • We fixed an issue that made unreads appear wrong in some cases.
  • Many more small fixes and improvements.

We can’t thank you enough for all your great feedback during this process. We feel like this app wouldn’t be half as good as it is without your valuable inputs. We always encourage you to tell us what you think about Feeder and are very welcome to contact us on [email protected] or social media.

← Feeder update: New typography
Our biggest app release so far →