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How to break stories faster

A Simple Guide:

  • Super fast updates – 1 minute time interval
  • All sources in one place – Integration
  • News agencies
  • What is everyone else saying?
  • Never miss anything – Notifications
  • More relevant and less irrelevant information – Filter including and excluding

Super fast updates – 1 minute time interval

With the world constantly changing and evolving, staying on top of information has always been and will always be important. We’ve mentioned many times that Feeder works with plenty of journalists and news agencies around the world and that they all have one thing in common: They need to be first.

To pick up the pieces of a story even a few minutes too late, will make readers seek information elsewhere. It’s impossible to keep up without a news manager like Feeder that constantly checks your sources, as fast as every minute of every day. This 1 minute update interval Feeder has to offer is unique and industry leading. 

All sources in one place – Integration

Getting lost in all sources of information can make you lose vital seconds. With a news manager you can collect all your sources into one place, and you just need to monitor one feed for what’s happening. With Feeder Dashboard you can supercharge this and get multiple feeds in one screen. It’s vital for news agencies we’re serving to get that at-a-glance view of the latest news.

News is being released in so many different places these days. You need a news manager that allows you to follow newsletters, changes in various websites and what’s happening on social networks like Twitter and Reddit.

News agencies

We also have custom built a direct line of integration into almost any news agency feed today. You can add your Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, NTB, TT, or any industry standard wire service directly into Feeder. With the Feeder Dashboard you can combine the output to get a more holistic view of the information coming in.

Read about how Feeder powers the Norwegian news agency NTB’s newsroom here.

What is everyone else saying?

In today’s competitive landscape you also need to know what the rest of the world is saying. With Feeder you can follow in an instant what competing news networks are reporting. It’s also wise to follow what the international news community is talking about. With the connected world the news you are covering can quickly spread to the other side of the earth and take on many different dimensions.

Never miss anything - Notifications

No matter where you are, a good news manager should always be able to send notifications about important updates. Are you on the go? You can choose to receive all notifications on your phone. Browsing the web? Notifications will pop up on your computer. Are you using Slack? Create a channel and set up high priority alerts. This is so important to keeping your focus to where it needs to be. 

More relevant and less irrelevant information – Filter including and excluding 

What you don’t need however, is a barrage of notifications all the time. You need the right ones, the ones relevant to the story or industry you are covering. By adding filters (Rules) it’s easy to cut through all the noise. With our new (in beta) search engine, it will soon also be easier than ever to research any topic.

In closing

Staying focused is expensive for the mind, and with Feeder’s tools you minimize disruptions to this valuable asset. Feeder’s goal is to minimize wasteful context switches when browsing for news and give you time back to actually write and spread the news, not just staying updated.

We want to get in touch with more journalists and learn how to become even better. Are you ready to give Feeder a try? Get in touch with Daniel at [email protected]

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