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Last updated 5 months ago

User Research Is Storytelling

5 months ago

Ever since I was a boy, I’ve been fascinated with movies. I...

To Ignite a Personalization Practice, Run this Prepersonalization Workshop

6 months ago

Picture this. You’ve joined a squad at your company that’s designing new...

The Wax and the Wane of the Web

8 months ago

I offer a single bit of advice to friends and family when...

Opportunities for AI in Accessibility

9 months ago

In reading Joe Dolson’s recent piece on the intersection of AI and...

I am a creative.

9 months ago

I am a creative. What I do is alchemy. It is a...

Humility: An Essential Value

over 1 year ago

Humility, a designer’s essential value—that has a nice ring to it. What...

Personalization Pyramid: A Framework for Designing with User Data

almost 2 years ago

As a UX professional in today’s data-driven landscape, it’s increasingly likely that...

Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink?

over 2 years ago

The mobile-first design methodology is great—it focuses on what really matters to...

Designers, (Re)define Success First

over 2 years ago

About two and a half years ago, I introduced the idea of...

Breaking Out of the Box

almost 3 years ago

CSS is about styling boxes. In fact, the whole web is made...

How to Sell UX Research with Two Simple Questions

almost 3 years ago

Do you find yourself designing screens with only a vague idea of...

A Content Model Is Not a Design System

about 3 years ago

Do you remember when having a great website was enough? Now, people...