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Last updated 2 days ago

ONBUILD COPY . /var/www/pwned/

2 days ago

submitted by /u/david-song [link] [comments]

Finding Vulnerability Variants at Scale

3 days ago

https://blackwinghq.com/blog/posts/finding-vulnerability-variants-at-scale/ submitted by /u/x30n [link] [comments]

Call stack spoofing explained using APT41 malware

3 days ago

submitted by /u/CyberMasterV [link] [comments]

CVE-2024-45844: Privilege escalation in F5 BIG-IP

3 days ago

submitted by /u/AlmondOffSec [link] [comments]

DEF CON 32 talk recordings

3 days ago

submitted by /u/albinowax [link] [comments]

Escaping the Chrome Sandbox Through DevTools

3 days ago

submitted by /u/vk6_ [link] [comments]

DEF CON 32 - OH MY DC Abusing OIDC all the way to your cloud - Aviad Hahami

3 days ago

submitted by /u/fproulx [link] [comments]

Spoofing Internal Packets for Multihomed Linux Devices - Anvil Secure

3 days ago

submitted by /u/anvilventures [link] [comments]

DTLS "ClientHello" Race Conditions in WebRTC Implementations

4 days ago

submitted by /u/EnableSecurity [link] [comments]

CloudGoat: New Scenario and Walkthrough (sns_secrets)

4 days ago

submitted by /u/hackers_and_builders [link] [comments]

Turning AWS Documentation into Gold: AI-Assisted Security Research

5 days ago

submitted by /u/crustysecurity [link] [comments]