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Last updated 17 days ago

All Langlands, all the time

17 days ago

Trying to keep track of everything happening in the Langlands program area...

Richard S. Hamilton 1943-2024

21 days ago

I heard this morning that Richard Hamilton passed away yesterday. He was...

Is Spacetime Unraveling?

24 days ago

Quanta magazine has just put out an impressive package of material under...

This Week’s Hype

about 1 month ago

Today’s Washington Post has an opinion piece from Brian Greene, running under...

Podcast About String Theory, Other Items

about 1 month ago

A few weeks ago I recorded a podcast with Robinson Erhardt, which...

Podcast on Unification

about 2 months ago

I recently did another podcast with Curt Jaimungal, on the topic of...

The Terrifying Power of Mathematics

about 2 months ago

Ted Jacobson has put on the arXiv a transcription of a 1947...

The Elegant Universe: 25th Anniversary Edition

2 months ago

Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe is being reissued today, in a 25th...

Two More

2 months ago

Two more items I can’t recommend strongly enough that you watch the...

Quick Links

2 months ago

Starting to write a longer, more technical posting, but for now, a...

Susskind: String Theory is Not the Theory of the Real World

2 months ago

Lawrence Krauss has just put up a long interview with Lenny Susskind...

Zombie Wormhole Publicity Stunt

3 months ago

I had thought that the Wormhole Publicity Stunt could now be safely...