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Active Directory Security

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Last updated 5 months ago

DEFCON 2017: Transcript – Hacking the Cloud

5 months ago

Let’s look at recon in a cloud-type environment. You have a customer...

Detecting the Elusive: Active Directory Threat Hunting

5 months ago

This is “Detecting the Elusive: Active Directory Threat Hunting”, and I am...

Detecting Kerberoasting Activity

5 months ago

Kerberoasting can be an effective method for extracting service account credentials from...

Detecting Password Spraying with Security Event Auditing

5 months ago

A common method attackers leverage as well as many penetration testers and...

Hardening Azure AD in the Face of Emerging Threats

5 months ago

In September of 2021, Trimarc Founder & CTO Sean Metcalf presented at...

Attacking Active Directory Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSAs)

over 4 years ago

User accounts created to be used as service accounts rarely have their...

From Azure AD to Active Directory (via Azure) – An Unanticipated Attack Path

over 4 years ago

For most of 2019, I was digging into Office 365 and Azure...

What is Azure Active Directory?

almost 5 years ago

Many are familiar with Active Directory, the on-premises directory and authentication system...

Slides Posted for Black Hat USA 2019 Talk: Attacking & Defending the Microsoft Cloud

about 5 years ago

Attacking and Defending the Microsoft Cloud (Office 365 & Azure AD) Sean...

AD Reading: Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Features

about 5 years ago

Windows Server 2019 has several new features, though nothing in this list...

There’s Something About Service Accounts

over 5 years ago

Service accounts are that gray area between regular user accounts and admin...