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Threat actors exploiting zero-days faster than ever – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

2 days ago

The average time it takes attackers to weaponize a vulnerability, either before...

Protecting children from grooming | Unlocked 403 cybersecurity podcast (ep. 7)

4 days ago

“Hey, wanna chat?” This innocent phrase can take on a sinister meaning...

Quishing attacks are targeting electric car owners: Here’s how to slam on the brakes

5 days ago

Ever alert to fresh money-making opportunities, fraudsters are blending physical and digital...

Aspiring digital defender? Explore cybersecurity internships, scholarships and apprenticeships

6 days ago

The world needs more cybersecurity professionals – here are three great ways...

GoldenJackal jumps the air gap … twice – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

9 days ago

ESET research dives deep into a series of attacks that leveraged bespoke...

Telekopye transitions to targeting tourists via hotel booking scam

10 days ago

ESET Research shares new findings about Telekopye, a scam toolkit used to...

Cyber insurance, human risk, and the potential for cyber-ratings

12 days ago

Could human risk in cybersecurity be managed with a cyber-rating, much like...

Mind the (air) gap: GoldenJackal gooses government guardrails

13 days ago

ESET Research analyzed two separate toolsets for breaching air-gapped systems, used by...

The complexities of attack attribution – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

16 days ago

As highlighted by new ESET research this week, attributing a cyberattack to...

Separating the bee from the panda: CeranaKeeper making a beeline for Thailand

18 days ago

ESET Research details the tools and activities of a new China-aligned threat...

Why system resilience should mainly be the job of the OS, not just third-party applications

19 days ago

Building efficient recovery options will drive ecosystem resilience

Cybersecurity Awareness Month needs a radical overhaul – it needs legislation

19 days ago

Despite their benefits, awareness campaigns alone are not enough to encourage widespread...