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AI reveals how sperm sticks to egg during fertilization

3 days ago

Two studies identify elusive protein complex with help from software developed by...

China’s ambitious new space plan includes call to bring home a bit of Venus’s atmosphere

4 days ago

Roadmap outlines 25-year path to leadership in space, including more than 30...

Are diamonds Earth’s best friend? Gem dust could cool the planet

4 days ago

Idea would cost trillions, but could avoid issues with other “geoengineering” schemes

Are diamonds Earth’s best friend? Gem dust could cool the planet—and cost trillions

4 days ago

Expensive scheme could solve problems of other “geoengineering” methods

How humans evolved a starch-digesting superpower long before farming

4 days ago

Two papers show how agriculture drove gene to duplicate again and again...

AI can help warring political camps find common ground

4 days ago

Virtual mediation of a mock citizens’ assembly generated more accurate, less biased...

Most meteorites traced to three space crackups

4 days ago

Young asteroid families seed more than 70% of extraterrestrial rocks found on...

Where Kamala Harris and Donald Trump stand on the issues that matter most to scientists

4 days ago

Collaboration with China, high-skills immigration, the future of AI, and STEM training...

AI designer proteins could transform medicine and materials

5 days ago

Chemistry Nobel recognizes effort to engineer proteins to carry out novel tasks

AI designer proteins that could transform medicine and materials

5 days ago

Chemistry Nobel recognizes effort to engineer proteins to carry out novel tasks