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AI Regulation and the Challenges of Misinformation in the 2024 Presidential Election

1 day ago

The next U.S. president will have to contend with regulations around AI—and...

Small Business Disaster Loans to Hurricane Victims Are Halted as Cash Runs Out

2 days ago

The Small Business Association has announced that loans to those affected by...

Don’t Panic. AI Isn’t Coming to End Scientific Exploration

2 days ago

Science is filled with tools that once seemed revolutionary and are now...

Millions of Aging Americans Are Facing Dementia by Themselves

2 days ago

In a health care system that assumes older adults have family caregivers...

'Wonder Drug' Explores Thalidomide’s Secret History and Harms in the U.S.

3 days ago

In her book Wonder Drug, Jennifer Vanderbes explores the history of thalidomide’s...

Donald Trump Wants to Make Eugenics Great Again. Let’s Not

3 days ago

Trump’s anti-immigrant good-gene-bad-gene screeds are nothing but factless eugenics for a new...

Ancient ‘Age of Dinosaurs’ Seafloor Found beneath Pacific Ocean

3 days ago

A vast, ancient slab of seafloor plunged beneath the Pacific Ocean and...

You Don’t Need Words to Think

3 days ago

Brain studies show that language is not essential for the cognitive processes...

Biden’s Withdrawal Made Containing War in the Middle East Harder

3 days ago

As tensions soar in the Middle East, the president’s lame duck status...

Hurricane Helene Damage Strains Dialysis Care Nationwide

3 days ago

Hurricane Helene devastated a North Carolina facility that produces peritoneal dialysis fluid...

Numbers Are Persuasive—If Used in Moderation

4 days ago

Despite high levels of innumeracy and math anxiety, people often appreciate numeric...

Flying Conservationists Teach Endangered Birds to Migrate

4 days ago

Inspired by a classic movie, conservationists are teaching endangered Northern Bald Ibises...