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Preshing on Programming

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Last updated over 3 years ago

How C++ Resolves a Function Call

over 3 years ago

C is a simple language. You’re only allowed to have one function...

Flap Hero Code Review

almost 4 years ago

Flap Hero is a small game written entirely in C++ without using...

A Small Open Source Game In C++

almost 4 years ago

I just released a mobile game called Flap Hero. It’s a Flappy...

Automatically Detecting Text Encodings in C++

about 4 years ago

Consider the lowly text file This text file can take on a...

I/O in Plywood

over 4 years ago

Plywood is an open-source C++ framework I released a few weeks ago...

A New Cross-Platform Open Source C++ Framework

over 4 years ago

For the past little while – OK, long while – I’ve been...

A Flexible Reflection System in C++: Part 2

over 6 years ago

In the previous post, I presented a basic system for runtime reflection...

A Primitive Reflection System in C++: Part 1

almost 7 years ago

In this post, I’ll present a primitive reflection system using C++11 language...

How to Write Your Own C++ Game Engine

almost 7 years ago

Lately I’ve been writing a game engine in C++. I’m using it...

Can Reordering of Release/Acquire Operations Introduce Deadlock?

over 7 years ago

I wasn’t planning to write about lock-free programming again, but a commenter...

Can Reordering of Release/Acquire Operations Introduce Deadlock?

over 7 years ago

I wasn’t planning to write about lock-free programming again, but a commenter...

Here's a Standalone Cairo DLL for Windows

over 7 years ago

Cairo is an open source C library for drawing vector graphics. I...