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Last updated 2 months ago

My involvement with LLVM 19

2 months ago

LLVM 19 will soon be released. This post provides a summary of...

lld 19 ELF changes

3 months ago

LLVM 19 will be released. As usual, I maintain lld/ELF and have...

Mapping symbols: rethinking for efficiency

3 months ago

In object files, certain code patterns incorporate data directlywithin the code or...

Linker compatibility and the "User-Agent" problem

4 months ago

The output of ld.lld -v includes a message "compatiblewith GNU linkers" to...

Integrated assembler improvements in LLVM 19

4 months ago

Within the LLVM project, MC is a library responsible for handlingassembly, disassembly...

Understanding orphan sections

5 months ago

GNU ld's output section layout is determined by a linker script,which can...

Evolution of the ELF object file format

5 months ago

The ELF object file format is adop by many UNIX-like operatingsystems. Understanding...

Exploring GNU extensions in the Linux kernel

5 months ago

The Linux kernel is written in C, but it also leverages extensionsprovided...

Clang's -O0 output: branch displacement and size increase

6 months ago

tl;dr Clang 19 will remove the -mrelax-all default at-O0, significantly decreasing the...

Understanding Clang's -O0 size increase: branch displacement at play

6 months ago

In assembly languages, some instructions with an immediate operandcan be encoded in...

QOI and XZ

6 months ago

QOI, the Quite OK Image format,has been gaining in popularity. Chris Wellons...

When QOI meets XZ

6 months ago

QOI, the Quite OK Image format,has been gaining in popularity. Chris Wellons...