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Last updated 2 days ago

WebSockets vs. Server-Sent Events (SSE) vs. WebRTC

3 days ago

In today’s fast-paced digital world, real-time communication is a key component of...

Mastering CSS Flexbox: Advanced Techniques, Real-World Applications, and Best Practices

4 days ago

Introduction In our previous article, we covered the basics of Flexbox, equipping...

When should I Use Server Action (Next.js 14)

4 days ago

When I started working on my GeoQuiz App, I started experimenting with...

Improve Application Speed with Strategic Data Denormalization

5 days ago

Database performance can become a significant issue as your application grows, often...

Understanding WSGI, ASGI, HTTP and Web Servers: Clarifying the Confusion

7 days ago

In the world of web development, especially when working with Python, developers...

Behind the Scenes: How ChatGPT Processes Natural Language

8 days ago

ChatGPT has emerged as a leading tool in natural language processing (NLP)...

How to Set Up Your Development Environment for Open Source Contributions

8 days ago

Contributing to open source can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to...

Let's make a Ray Tracer (in Go)

11 days ago

When you build systems from scratch, you get to control everything, from...

JavaScript Fetch API: A Complete Overview - Part Two

12 days ago

In the first part of this article, we covered the basics of...

Simplifying User Authentication with Amazon Cognito and Google Integration

13 days ago

Introduction User authentication is a critical component of modern web and mobile...

How to Build Lightweight GraphRAG with SQLite

15 days ago

In this tutorial, I’ll walk through an example implementation of a lightweight...

The Importance of Regular Security Audits and Compliance

15 days ago

Companies are hot spots for attackers and threat actors, an organisation that...