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Last updated 8 days ago

The equational theories project: a brief tour

8 days ago

Almost three weeks ago, I proposed a collaborative project, combining the efforts...

A pilot project in universal algebra to explore new ways to collaborate and use machine assistance?

25 days ago

Traditionally, mathematics research projects are conducted by a small number (typically one...

Pointwise convergence of bilinear polynomial averages over the primes

about 1 month ago

Ben Krause, Hamed Mousavi, Joni Teräväinen, and I have just uploaded to...

A possible approach to finite time blowup for the Euler equations

about 1 month ago

Given a smooth compact Riemannian manifold , the incompressible Euler equations can...

Planar point sets with forbidden four-point patterns and few distinct distances

about 2 months ago

I’ve just uploaded to the arXiv my paper “Planar point sets with...

Erdos problem #385, the parity problem, and Siegel zeroes

2 months ago

The Erdös problem site was created last year, and announced earlier this...

A result of Bui–Pratt–Zaharescu, and Erdös problem #437

2 months ago

The following problem was posed by Erdös and Graham (and is listed...

What are the odds, II: the Venezuelan presidential election

3 months ago

In a previous blog post, I discussed how, from a Bayesian perspective...

Dense sets of natural numbers with unusually large least common multiples

3 months ago

I’ve just uploaded to the arXiv my paper “Dense sets of natural...

A computation-outsourced discussion of zero density theorems for the Riemann zeta function

3 months ago

Many modern mathematical proofs are a combination of conceptual arguments and technical...

Salem prize now accepting nominations for 2024

4 months ago

The Salem prize was established in 1968 and named in honor of...

An abridged proof of Marton’s conjecture

4 months ago

[This post is dedicated to Luca Trevisan, who recently passed away due...