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Last updated 7 months ago

The US and Chinese Biopharma Contractors

7 months ago

The relationship between China and the rest of the biopharma world is...

Formaldehyde, You Say?

7 months ago

I've been meaning to write about this paper, because it falls right...

HIV Vaccine Problems

7 months ago

Here's another one for the "Mysteries of Immunology" collection (which is already...

An ALS Drug Fails. Again.

8 months ago

Two years ago, I wrote here about a new drug that was...

A New Mass Spec Screening Assay

8 months ago

It should go without saying that I am always ready to hear...

Free Electron Laser Time

8 months ago

I occasionally dive into crystallography topics here, because it's a subject I've...

Drug Price Negotiations in Court: The Scorecard So Far

8 months ago

When we last looked in on the court cases around the Inflation...

Time For a Closer Look at Modified RNA Bases

8 months ago

I’m of two minds writing about this recent paper. That's because it...

John Keats Would Like a Word

8 months ago

This is a good reality-check article on structural biology (open access) from...

Antibodies Everywhere

8 months ago

Let’s look at some interesting and unusual uses of antibodies that have...

A Computational Combo

8 months ago

Here's a paper from the folks at Schrödinger, suggesting a new computational...

Cranking Up the Chirality

8 months ago

Manipulation of chiral centers has been a driving force in the development...