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Joel on Software

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Last updated almost 2 years ago

Progress on the Block Protocol

almost 2 years ago

Since the 1990s, the web has been a publishing place for human-readable...

Making the web better. With blocks!

over 2 years ago

You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m...

Kinda a big announcement

over 3 years ago

The other day I was talking to a young developer working on...

HASH: a free, online platform for modeling the world

over 4 years ago

Sometimes when you’re trying to figure out the way the world works...

So, how’s that retirement thing going, anyway?

almost 5 years ago

For the last couple of months, Prashanth Chandrasekar has been getting settled...

Welcome, Prashanth!

about 5 years ago

Last March, I shared that we were starting to look for a...

The next CEO of Stack Overflow

over 5 years ago

Big news! We’re looking for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. I’m...

Announcing Stack Overflow for Teams

over 6 years ago

Hey, we have a new thing for you today Today’s new thing...

Strange and maddening rules

over 6 years ago

There’s this popular idea among developers that when you face a problem...

A Dusting of Gamification

over 6 years ago

[This is the second in a series of posts about Stack Overflow...

The Stack Overflow Age

over 6 years ago

Hi, everyone! A lot of stuff has happened since I was writing...

Birdcage liners

almost 7 years ago

My new year’s resolution was to give up on reading Twitter and...