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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Dokany/Google Drive File Stream Kernel Stack-based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

almost 6 years ago

Last November I reported a kernel vulnerability to CERT/CC for their help...

Exploiting STOPzilla AntiMalware Arbitrary Write Vulnerability using SeCreateTokenPrivilege

about 6 years ago

A couple of months ago I discovered 9 kernel vulnerabilities a security...

Exploiting System Shield AntiVirus Arbitrary Write Vulnerability using SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege

over 6 years ago

A kernel vulnerability exists in an antivirus product called “System Shield AntiVirus...

IKARUS anti.virus and its 9 exploitable kernel vulnerabilities

almost 7 years ago

Here is a list of the 9 kernel vulnerabilities I discovered over...

Exploiting Vir.IT eXplorer Anti-Virus Arbitrary Write Vulnerability

almost 7 years ago

Last month I started hunting for kernel bugs again and it wasn’t...

Running Macros via ActiveX Controls

about 8 years ago

A couple of month ago I encountered a malicious macro Word document...

Spraying the heap in seconds using ActiveX controls in Microsoft Office

almost 9 years ago

Recently I’ve been researching into ActiveX controls in Office documents as I...

Bypassing Windows ASLR in Microsoft Office using ActiveX controls

almost 9 years ago

This is just a short post highlighting how easily ASLR could be...

Detecting Malicious Microsoft Office Macro Documents

over 9 years ago

For the past few months I have been looking into macro enabled...