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Last updated 3 days ago

Vaadin: The Battery-Included, Server-Side AJAX Framework

3 days ago

I've written a lot about Vaadin. I was so enthusiastic that I...

How to Convert HTML to DOCX in Java

4 days ago

There's a far smaller audience of folks who understand the intricacies of...

Mastering Date-Time APIs: Challenges With Java's Calendar and JDK Date/Time APIs

5 days ago

In this article, we'll address four problems covering different date-time topics. These...

Modify JSON Data in Postgres and Hibernate 6

11 days ago

This is another article in the series related to supporting the Postgres...

Redefining Java Object Equality

12 days ago

Equality in Java Object equality is often a hot topic for assessing...

Functional Programming Principles Powering Python’s itertools Module

13 days ago

Understanding some of the concepts of functional programming that form the basis...

Java 23: What Developers Need To Know

18 days ago

As Java implements its 23rd major release on September 17, 2024, developers...

Workarounds for Oracle Restrictions on the Size of Expression Lists

19 days ago

When developing an enterprise system — whether it is a completely new...

Using Lombok Library With JDK 23

19 days ago

Java 23 is finally out, and we can start migrating our project...

Using Spring AI With LLMs To Generate Java Tests

20 days ago

The AIDocumentLibraryChat project has been extended to generate test code (Java code...

Why Haven’t You Upgraded to HTTP/2?

20 days ago

From a Java perspective, I’ve been the beneficiary of some pretty amazing...

Is Spring AI Strong Enough for AI?

23 days ago

In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the adoption...