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Last updated 2 days ago

Error'd: Friday On My Mind

3 days ago

The most common type of submission Error'd receives are simple, stupid, data...

CodeSOD: Ancestry Dot Dumb

4 days ago

Damiano's company had more work than staff, and opted to hire a...

CodeSOD: Time to Change

5 days ago

Dennis found this little nugget in an application he inherited function myTime(){...

CodeSOD: An Overloaded Developer

6 days ago

"Oh, I see what you mean, I'll just write an overloaded function...

Representative Line: Ripping Away the Mask

7 days ago

Jason was investigating a bug in a bitmask. It should have been...

Error'd: You Don't Need A Weatherman

10 days ago

...to know which way the wind blows This week, it's been an...

CodeSOD: Idtoic Mistakes

11 days ago

Working at a company where the leadership started as technical people has...

CodeSOD: JaphpaScript

12 days ago

Let's say you have a web application, and you need to transfer...

CodeSOD: A Cache Exists

13 days ago

Ben's web firm took on a new client, and they're using a...

Representative Line: Try to Catch This

14 days ago

The power of structured exception handling is that it allows every layer...

Error'd: Stop Poking Me!

17 days ago

I am amused to see that Warcraft III is still out there...

CodeSOD: Library Checkout

18 days ago

Alexander doesn't usually ask "why are you hiring for this position?" during...